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As a woodsmith, I thoroughly enjoy using wood to design and create furniture and other smaller items.  I devote myself exclusively to each project and I rarely work on more than one customer’s project at a time. The good side of this is that your project gets my full attention and the not so good side is that the queue of projects can extend a few months or more. Quality craftsmanship requires time and diligence.



I do not have a showroom for customers to shop.    I believe that if a person desires custom woodwork this can best be be accomplished by working with my customers to design and then craft each individual piece. Every one of my projects is an original that is specifically designed and created based on a shared vision with the customer.   You are welcome to visit at my woodshop and see the current project, share ideas you might have for your own projects (big or small), or just chat a bit as long as we can remotely relate it to wood or sailing.   You can also send me a message by clicking here.

I am a self proclaimed woodsmith with a passion for crafting furniture and other items from wood. Crafting wood to make tools and other items has existed at least as far back as the Egyptians. Many ancient Egyptian drawings going back to 2000 B.C. depict wood furnishings such as beds, chairs, stools, tables, and chests. There’s also some  physical evidence of these wooden objects, as many were found well-preserved in tombs, such as wooden sarcophagi (coffins). The term woodsmith is probably introduced more recently and was widely used by the greek and dutch. The word for woodsmith in Danish is Træsmed. The viking ship museum in Roskiled, Denmark contains specific references to woodsmiths along with other trades such as beersmiths.

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